Schedule: Friday Aug 11th
Take a look below to learn about the schedule for The Weekend Retreat. If you have any questions about specific activities or event timing, please don’t hesitate to get in touch - we’ll be happy to help.
Morning Meeting w/Tuck and Lumi
Join head counselors Lumi and Tuck as we open this year's camp!
Tea Time with Hopeful Monster
Have you ever seen a gorgeously decorated teapot and wished you could create something like it? Don't have access to a kiln or clay? Don't despair! With some Apoxie Sculpt and an Ikea teapot this panel will show you some fun customization ideas! So pour yourself a hot cuppa and come watch D take a plain white Ikea teapot from drab to fab!
Go eat!
Coloring with Quack
Download line art drawn by Quack, and color along as she talks about what she's doing, how she's doing it, and fields questions from the audience. Please go here to print out your page!
Building Beavertopia with River Sable
Come join an enterprising rodent as they build up a rodent civilization in Timberborn, with audience input! We'll have a chill beaver time together.
Blackout Poetry with Lumi:***
Attendees will take a piece of written work and “blackout” some of the words to make their own poems. Get your base pages here!
Dinner Break
Foxie's Tiki Bar Presents: Bartending 101
Join Tuck as he gives you the basics of mixcraft, both with and without barware in Foxie's signature style- never pretentious, always delicious!
DJ Music Stream with DJ Maryalee
From Midtempo to Hardcore, this music will make you move!

Schedule: Saturday Aug 12th
Morning Meeting w/Tuck and Lumi
Join Lumi and Tuck as they go over the schedule and let you know what's going on! Now with 100% less bugle!
Organizing with Habitica with Lumi:***
Habitica is a free app that can help you organize to do lists, form good habits all while having fun and seeming like a game!
Gaming with guinea pigs!
Gaming with guinea pigs! Come see our cute little darlings and enjoy chatting while GP (and possibly a guest or two) games!
1-2 PM
Jackbox Games with Tuck***
Have some PG-13 level fun playing Jackbox games on your phone! Audience participation is very much welcomed!
Midwestern Salads with Quack
Salads aren't salads with Quack and friends. Come watch us eat Midwestern salads and rate them.
Blooket Trivia with Lumi:***
Let’s play trivia on this free app!
Dinner Break
5 PM
Boardgame Online with Rainbowz 18+ only
Welcome to Boardgame Online! Boardgame Online is a browser based, lewd, roll-the-dice game. Anyone over the age of 18 with a great sense of humor is welcome! This game has adult themes and situations which include: strong language, brothels, booze, edgy memes, and general mischief. How to play: Roll the dice, and click story options when prompted. It's a race to the finish line (or time if the panel ends)! All attendees for this panel can opt in to receive a free hard enamel "Rainbowz Participant" pin (must be 18+)! Boardgame Online FAQ: https://www.boardgame-online.com/?page=faq Participants will need to make a free account at boardgame-online.com. It is strongly encouraged that players do this before 6pm as we will start at approximately 6:05pm and you cannot join late (only spectate). https://www.boardgame-online.com/?page=register If you have trouble or forget, information will also be displayed in the twitch stream prior to the panel's start at 6pm. Hope to see you there!
Monster Mash Up with Quack and Silence
The audience helps by picking animals and items for Quack to mash together into fantastic monsters.
Drawing with Tiffany ‘Foxy’ Fox:
Audience participation is required! There’s plenty to do at camp, so let's see how many of you lovely audience members we can fit into one picture! Join traditional artist Tiffany as she's clearly looking for trouble doing a live, free YCH for Weekend Furry Retreat! Come armed with SFW references and URLs and let's get drawing!

Schedule: Sunday Aug 13th
Morning Meeting w/Tuck and Lumi
Join your head counselors as they let you know what's going on today!
Here, There, Everywhere Photo Share with Tenza
This panel will feature cellphone and photographs from the panelists and will describe his creative process. attendees will be encouraged to share photos and describe them in chat! any photos shared with the panelists must have been taken by the attendee and will be screened to ensure it is appropriate for all campers!
Pathfinder RPG Game with River Sable
1-4 PM
With pre-generated characters attendees will navigate through a wild little adventure. The adventure will take between 2 and 3 hours. Attendees that wish to participate and would like to look at the characters early can join the stream as early as 12:45. Please fill out this form if you are interested!
Closing Ceremonies
Join us as we close out the second annual Weekend Furry Retreat!
4 PM